The Breed

    The Blonde d’Aquitaine breed are a heavily muscled French breed renown for producing efficient, high yielding beef carcasses.

    The Blonde sire is known for producing small slender calves which grow rapidly once born. The calves have a calm temperament, are fine boned, and develop a heavy muscle pattern.

    Blondes are a terminal sire best suited to mating with British/ British-cross females like Angus, Murray Grey, Shorthorn, Hereford or their crosses. Calves perform well both in the baby beef market as well as the store/feeder market.

    Blonde cross calves perform exceptionally well in the feedlot. Some feedlotters claim Blonde cross calves seem to “explode” when placed on the feedlot. With the breeds’ known high feed efficiency, as proven by the Vasse Feed Trials in WA, feedlotters are getting more growth and using less grain to finish a Blonde sired animal.

    When combining easy calving, rapid growth, feed efficiency and high yielding carcasses, Blondes are the secret for success. Beef producers currently using Blonde bulls underline this fact by returning to purchase additional Blonde bulls. They are experiencing the Blonde impact with lower production costs combined with increased sale prices for both live weight or over the hook animals.



    Blonde d'Aquitaine Society of Australia & New Zealand Inc.

    Agricultural Business Research Institute

    University of New England

    Executive Officer: John Thomas

    Armidale NSW 2351, Australia 

    Phone: +61 2 6773 3126

    Fax: +61 2 6772 1943

    See all Office Bearers

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